«Does someone, anyone, know what this man is taking? Or is this the effect of hyperspermia? He's barely hard, I figured this had to be a result of something like hgh or a testosterone booster of some kind that rapidly boosted the amount of seminal fluid he produces outside of his balls, because obviously, his balls can't physically hold all of that, and its unusually white and milky, which is not actually a sign of pregnable semen. Idk, im just curious because I've never seen so much cum in my entire life, and I've seen some crazy shit.»
«Does someone, anyone, know what this man is taking? Or is this the effect of hyperspermia? He's barely hard, I figured this had to be a result of something like hgh or a testosterone booster of some kind that rapidly boosted the amount of seminal fluid he produces outside of his balls, because obviously, his balls can't physically hold all of that, and its unusually white and milky, which is not actually a sign of pregnable semen. Idk, im just curious because I've never seen so much cum in my entire life, and I've seen some crazy shit.»